ZUMBA MasterClass
``If That’s You... Existing or New Zumba Instructor! I will personally work with you one-on-one to help you to conduct your class, plan your playlist and provide choreography over the next 3 months``

Sandra Sii here…
Being a Zumba Instructor since the year 2018, I fully understand your struggle in conducting a class. Do you ever face some of the challenges below in preparing for your Zumba class?
- Spend long hours to choose song
- Spend long hours to design choreography
- Work hard to combine songs for a complete playlist
- Spend long hours in planning every playlist (in my case, I spent almost 2 months for each playlist)
- Spend hours and hours of improving the choreography through much practice based on my students’ feedback
- Time-consuming hard work of recording Zumba workout of yourself
- Need to learn new video editing skills from scratch
- Find it difficult to choose songs, plan a song list, and simplify the choreography
- Run out of ideas on how to introduce new lesson for your students
- Get so sick with the repeated songs
If you are like me, facing the same challenges above as I did before, here’s the GOOD NEWS for you!
I am here to offer you DIFY package, whether you are a newbie or an expert in Zumba coaching. From this DIFY package, you will get to enjoy MY RECORDINGS of 11 CLASSES with more than 100 SONGS. With the readily available recordings, you can utilize my class teaching materials to start your new Zumba class anytime NOW. Time is priceless, why should you waste hours and hours of frustration in dealing with the challenges I mentioned above? I have done it all for you! All you need to do is just to obtain access to my Zumba training content.